Hours and Info

April 1-September 30: 6:30am-10pm
October 1-March 31: 6:30am-8pm

Phone: 614-315-5520
Reservations: reservations@metroparks.net

Programs at Sharon Woods


Sharon Woods is a mixture of forests and fields with towering oak, hickory and beech trees and an 11-acre lake. Tucked inside the 761-acre park is the Edward S Thomas State Nature Preserve, named for the renowned Ohio naturalist and one of the founders of the park system. Many seasonal pools are present and provide critical spring breeding habitat for amphibians and other wildlife.

Photo: Cheryl Blair

Photo: Alli Shaw

Park Map

Click the map below for a zoomed/enlarged version



Edward S Thomas

1.1 miles
Easy – Hike – Gravel – ADA
Winds through a state nature preserve and past large burr oaks and an observation deck.

Spring Creek

1.8 miles
Easy to moderate – Hike, Pets – Gravel
Crosses two steep hills, runs alongside Spring Creek and goes through a forest.


3.8 miles
Moderate – Hike, Bike – Paved – ADA
Loops around the park and passes through woods and fields.


0.4 miles
Easy – Hike, Pets – Paved
Runs around the southern half of Schrock Lake. Connects Spring Creek and Edward S Thomas trails.

Oak Openings

0.2 miles
Easy – Hike – Gravel – ADA
Goes through a forest and fields and connects with the Edward S Thomas Trail.


0.3 miles
Moderate – Hike – Grass
Connects the Spring Creek and Edward S Thomas trails.

Wheelchair visitor at Sharon Woods Metro Park
Photo: Kim Strosnider

Couple on prairie connector trail at Sharon Woods Metro Park
Photo: Virginia Gordon


Reservable Shelters

Spring hollow lodge at Sharon Woods Metro Park
Photo: Virginia Gordon

Spring Hollow Lodge

Lodge holds 64 people. It has a lounge with a gas log fireplace, coffee table, sofa, chairs and wildlife observation windows, a kitchenette with a full-size refrigerator, sink, microwave, counter space, drop-off window and 50-cup auto-cup auto-drip coffee urn. An accordion wall can close off the kitchen area. The lodge also offers a large meeting room/banquet room with WiFi, tables and chairs, a pull-down movie screen, dry erase board, dimmer lighting and sliding doors to the deck. Available All Day only.

Click here for more information, photos or to reserve.

Non-Reservable Shelters

Maple tree Schrock Lake picnic shelter at Sharon Woods Metro Park
Photo: Cheryl Blair

Schrock Lake Picnic Area

Picnic tables, grills, large playfield, playground equipment, horseshoe pit (horseshoes not available), restrooms, drinking fountain.

Two open shelters: Seating 64 each, grills
One shelter: Enclosed on three sides, seating 16, grill

Apple Ridge Picnic Area at Sharon Woods Metro Park
Photo: Bryan Knowles

Apple Ridge Picnic Area

Picnic tables, grills, playfields, playground equipment, horseshoe pit (horseshoes not available), drinking fountain, restrooms.

One open shelter: Seating 64, grills

Maple Grove Picnic Area at Sharon Woods Metro Park
Photo: Alli Shaw

Maple Grove Picnic Area

Picnic tables, grills, playfields, playground equipment, horseshoe pit (no horseshoes available), restrooms, drinking fountain.

One open shelter: Seating 64, grills


Visitor and dog on picnic area path at Sharon Woods Metro Park
Photo: Kim Strosnider

A child plays in the natural play area at Sharon Woods Metro Park
Photo: Brook Flesner

Kids on bikes at Sharon Woods Metro Park
Photo: Cheryl Bach

Multipurpose Trail: 3.8 miles

Fishing at Schrock Lake at Sharon Woods Metro Park
Photo: Alli Shaw

On Schrock Lake, stocked with blue gill, bass and catfish.

A man uses the pull-up bars at Sharon Woods' fitness station.
Photo: Virginia Gordon

Fitness station is just off the Multipurpose Trail in the Maple Grove Picnic Area.

Girl climbs vine in natural play area at Sharon Woods
Photo: Virginia Gordon

A 7.5-acre area with wooded hillside and creek. Kids and their caregivers can wander off-trail, climb trees, dig in the mud and experience unstructured play in nature. Enter from the last parking lot at the Apple Ridge Picnic Area. Entry sign on right side of the lot.

Geese and sunset at Sharon Woods
Photo: Cheryl Blair

The 320-acre Edward S Thomas State Nature Preserve features eight species of oaks, some more than 250 years old, plus large hickory, maple and beech trees. A chinquapin oak, more than 100-feet-high, can be seen along the northern loop of the Edward S Thomas trail.

Walking dogs on connector trail prairie at Sharon Woods Metro Park
Photo: Virginia Gordon


Spring Creek Trail: 1.8 miles
Crosses two steep hills, runs alongside Spring Creek and goes through a forest.

Domesticated dogs and cats are also permitted in picnic areas, parking lots and on roadways. Pets shall be on a leash no longer than 6 feet.

Grilling at Sharon Woods.
Photo: Kim Strosnider

There are six picnic shelters with tables and grills, restrooms and play equipment. These are free and available for all to use on a first come-first served basis.

Sledder on hill at Sharon Woods
Photo: Rick Bennett

Features two sledding hills, one of them a bunny hill for small children. Entrance is a short distance north of the main park entrance.

Get Outside, It’s Your Nature!