Volunteer with your Metro Parks
Metro Parks has a dedicated team of more than 900 volunteers who contribute their time, energy and talents toward the preservation and enjoyment of natural areas and parks for millions of central Ohio visitors.
Metro Parks volunteers have fun, meet people and learn new skills while working in some of the most beautiful land in Ohio, with our 20 parks comprising more than 28,700 acres of land. Volunteer opportunities are as varied as the Metro Parks themselves.
How to become a volunteer
It’s easy to start volunteering
All you need to become a volunteer is enthusiasm for our natural or cultural history, a willingness to learn and a desire to share with others. Work schedules are flexible and depend on your chosen assignment and park. No previous training or experience is needed; training programs are provided. Most volunteer assignments are for ages 16 and up.
To learn more about volunteering at Metro Parks check out the Volunteer Opportunities listed below, attend a Volunteer Information session and complete a Volunteer application. Volunteer Information sessions provide a Metro Parks overview and information about park specific volunteer opportunities and are held twice annually.

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers and Junior Volunteers (ages 11 and over) may assist the Inniswood Metro Gardens team members with the general flowerbed maintenance and grounds upkeep, as well as help with children’s programs. Volunteers must attend a training session held in March. For details, contact Inniswood Volunteer Coordinator at 614-895-6226.

Volunteer naturalists can choose to work with school groups programs, in the nature centers or behind the scenes on projects such as monitoring bluebird boxes. These opportunities are available at Battelle Darby Creek, Blacklick Woods, Blendon Woods, Clear Creek, Glacier Ridge, Highbanks, Homestead, Sharon Woods and Three Creeks.

Trail volunteers monitor the trails and public areas of a park for safety, report trail hazards and provide information and assistance to visitors. These opportunities are available at all parks.

Resource Management volunteers help plant wetlands, harvest prairie seeds, remove invasive plants and assist in other wildlife management. Most of these projects occur during the weekday at parks throughout the district.

Slate Run Farm volunteers work on an 1880s living historical farm and assist with programs. Slate Run Farm permits children to volunteer with parents or supervising adults.

Scouts may volunteer as a group or individually. These opportunities are set up based on the needs of the scouts and the parks. To schedule a volunteer day, discuss an Eagle Scout project or scout service work, email info@metroparks.net. Please include a project, park location and timeframe in your email.

Is your company looking to give back to Metro Parks? We love to host groups for clean ups, invasive plant removal and other projects. To schedule email info@metro parks.net. Please include a project idea, park location preference, number of participants and timeframe in your email.

Short term or one-time volunteer opportunities can be arranged and often include litter clean ups and invasive plant removal. These are flexible to meet the needs of the volunteer and park. Email info@metroparks.net to find out more.

Clean Up Volunteers- Short term or one-time volunteer clean up opportunities can often be arranged to meet the needs of the volunteer and park. Email info@metroparks.net.