Programs for Cub Scouts & Girl Scouts
Metro Parks offers badge-oriented Scout Day programs throughout the school year. These Scout Days are designed to help scouts meet as many requirements as possible at the park during a 2-hour program. Due to COVID-19, Scout Days are not being offered at this time. Individual scout groups may attend any public programs or email with specific requests.
Cub Scout Programs
My Tiger Journey
Tigers (1st grade) will participate in activities that meet requirements for the “My Tiger Journey” achievement.
Wolf Paws on the Path
Wolf Cubs (2nd grade) will participate in activities to earn the “Paws on the Path” achievement.
Bears Fur, Feathers, and Ferns
Bear Cubs (3rd grade) will participate in activities that meet requirements for the “Fur, Feathers, and Ferns” pin.
Webelos Into The Woods
Webelos (4th and 5th grade) will participate in activities that meet requirements for the “Into The Woods” pin.

Webelos Into the Wild
Webelos (4th and 5th grade) will participate in activities that meet requirements for the “Into The Wild” pin.
Webelos Earth Rocks
Webelos (4th and 5th grade) will participate in activities that meet requirements for the “Earth Rocks” pin.
Girl Scout Programs
Brownies Bugs Badge
Brownies (2nd & 3rd grade) will participate in activities that meet all requirements for the “Bugs” badge.
Brownies WOW Journey
Brownies (2nd & 3rd grade) will participate in five activities that are part of the “WOW” Journey.
Juniors Flowers Badge
Juniors (4th & 5th grade) will participate in activities that meet some requirements for the “Flowers” badge.
Juniors Animal Habitats Badge
Juniors (4th & 5th grade) will participate in activities that meet some requirements for the “Animal Habitats” badge.

Cadettes Night Owl Badge
Cadettes (6th ,7th, 8th grade) will participate in activities that meet all requirements for the “Night Owl” badge.