Metro Parks, in cooperation with the Lens & Leaves Camera Club, has run an annual nature print contest for more than 25 years. Terrific photographs are entered every year and all of the entries are displayed over four autumn weekends. This year, the exhibits will be held at the following locations and dates:
Oct 8/9
11am to 5pm
Oct 15/16
Oct 22/23
Oct 29 8am–6pm
Oct 30 8am–4pm

There are usually around 200 entries in the display. Visitors to the exhibits not only get the chance to enjoy a fabulous set of photographs, they can also vote for the People’s Choice Award.
The nature print contest is open to all amatuer photographers. There are 11 categories available, and photographers may enter up to four prints in the contest, with no more than two in any one category. This year, the entry form is entirely electronic, and we require photographers to upload digital versions of their entries when completing the forms. Prints entered without digital copies will still be displayed in the exhibits, but will not be judged.
Judges award ribbons for the winners, and second and third places in each category, plus a Best of Show. The People’s Choice Award winner will also receive a ribbon.
Ohio Native Animals winner (Red Fox, by Mary Howell)
Ohio Native Plants winner (Milkweed Pods, by Rowena Throckmorton)
Ohio Scenic Beauty winner (Forest Sunrise, by Douglas Crawford)
Advanced Ohio Animals winner (Stoic Blue Heron, by Carey Sherrill)
Advanced Ohio Plants winner (Indian Pipe in the Snow, by John Daniel)
Advanced Ohio Scenic Beauty winner (Indian Run Falls, by Carey Sherrill)
Metro Parks People winner (Checking out the Sisters, by Mary Howell)
Metro Parks Places and Things winner (Wet Whiskers, by Lori Robbins)
Up Close winner, and Best of SHow (Milkweed Fluff, by Floyd Siebert)
Black and White winner (Trees, by Ted Stone)
Children's winner (Center of the Cosmos, by Grace Coutinho)
People's Choice Award 2015 (Sunbathing, by Darby Barker)