Fighting the hemlock woolly adelgid
AN UPDATE ON TREATMENT FOR THE HEMLOCK WOOLLY ADELGID AT CLEAR CREEK METRO PARK Staff and volunteers were able to tag over 6,000 hemlock trees in two separate areas of …Read More
AN UPDATE ON TREATMENT FOR THE HEMLOCK WOOLLY ADELGID AT CLEAR CREEK METRO PARK Staff and volunteers were able to tag over 6,000 hemlock trees in two separate areas of …Read More
Rockbridge, Ohio. Clear Creek Metro Park features 5,300 acres of woodland interspersed with blackhand sandstone cliffs, ravines and creeks and is home to more than 2,200 species of plants and animals. Forested areas range from Canadian hemlocks and ferns, to oak and hickory, to Ohio’s last remaining colonies of rhododendron. Home to Ohio’s largest state nature preserve.