DIY suncatchers add beauty to your yard when it’s freezing outside

Naturalist Sharon Woods Metro Park

When the forecast calls for frigid temperatures, try this easy craft to beautify your yard. 


  • Natural items 
  • A piece of string, twine or ribbon (looped or tied so it won’t slip out of the suncatcher)
  • Birdseed (optional)
  • A small pan, container or paper bowl (no glass – it may break)
  • Water (distilled water makes for clearer ice)

Gather items from your yard, looking for different shapes and textures.

Pour ½-inch to 1-inch of water into the pan. Distilled water makes for opaque ice and tap water will be very cloudy. Take the pan and items outside to a flat surface. (Moving the pan with your items already arranged in the water will change your design.) Arrange items in the pan of water and leave outside overnight or for several hours if temperatures are low. Birdseed may also be sprinkled in your design for feathered friends to enjoy. 

Make sure the water is completely frozen before removing. Bring the pan indoors for 10 minutes or run the bottom of the pan under water. Hang your suncatcher outside where you can see it!  Helpful hint: Your suncatcher will eventually melt! Make sure you place it where it will not damage anything when it melts and falls. 

Experiment with different shapes and sizes of pans and containers for more decoration in your yard. Try adding layers of water and more items after a layer has frozen. Make one with only birdseed and treats for wildlife. The options are endless! Share photos below of your artwork and share with others on social media. 

This is a cool video I just found! It’s from an art teacher.