This time of year the Multi-purpose Trail at Blacklick Woods is a sight to behold. Start at the nature center parking lot and enjoy an easy 2-mile walk through fields and forests. You will see purple and gold in the prairie as the New England asters and goldenrod bloom all around you. As the prairie blends with the forest, the colors change from purples and golds to reds, oranges, yellows and greens as the foliage in the maple trees begin to show their splendid fall colors. Visit later in the evening for a good chance at seeing a deer pass through the prairie as the sun sets. Come out to Blacklick Woods this weekend and catch a glimpse of fall before it is too late.

Take a stroll along the Kestrel, Buckeye or Monarch trails at Walnut Woods Metro Park and you will find some of the ornamental maple trees starting to change color. These ornamental maples are called October Glory and turn a brilliant red. They were left over from the Eastside Nursery that formerly owned the land, and we are lucky enough to have them as part of our park. Another ornamental tree well worth seeing is a bald cypress along the Kestrel Trail. If you are feeling energetic, hike up to the top of the observation hill in the Buckeye Area and you will be rewarded with a spectacular view. We are approaching full peak of fall colors, so head out this weekend and check out the view.