Memorial Day weekend kicks off the summer season for us here at Metro Parks. Much time and effort is spent getting the parks ready for the abundance of visitors. This weekend also requires extra Ranger Staff to help with the increase in attendance. We often view this weekend as a barometer of what the summer brings. If this weekend is a sign of things to come, it is going to be a great summer.
A total of 156,923 people visited the parks Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Battelle Darby Creek, Blacklick Woods, Highbanks, Sharon Woods and Three Creeks were the top 5 most visited parks. Even with the high attendance numbers over the weekend, there were relatively few incidents. At Battelle Darby Creek, Rangers responded to two different, non-injury vehicle accidents on roadways adjacent to park property. They also responded to illegal dumping in the park. Rangers at Homestead Metro Park responded to a vehicle accident involving a visitor who drove their vehicle up over a large landscape rock while parking. At Sharon Woods, Rangers assisted on a medic run where a visitor was believed to have been dehydrated and suffering from heat issues. Also at Sharon Woods, Rangers assisted Franklin County Sheriff Deputies and Sharon Township Constables with a call for a man thought to have a gun. This actually turned out to be a verbal dispute with no gun involved, regarding an ongoing argument over money.
Rangers and staff at Metro Parks thank you for visiting your Metro Parks and helping to maintain a safe, fun, family friendly environment over the Memorial Day holiday weekend. We also want to thank those who have served this great country and have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. You are not forgotten.