ANDY T MILLER, Assistant Manager Pickerington Ponds/Chestnut Ridge

While I don’t have a favorite spot in the parks for fall colors, there are several parks that I like year round. I enjoy walking the Homesite Trail at Chestnut Ridge and looking back to the southeast over hills. The Spring Creek Trail at Sharon Woods is really nice because there is a wide variety of trees and colors. I also like driving along Blendon Woods roadway, particularly back by the Nature Center and through the day camp area and driving. Another great spot to drive is on the roadway at Chestnut Ridge, where you can look up towards the ridge (hint – walk up the maintenance drive as this gives you the best view).
One of the best things I like doing late in the season is walking on the trails early to mid-mornings, especially if the trails haven’t been cleared of leaves. You can walk along a trail and hear the crunch of dry leaves under your feet and sense the stillness in the air. Depending on what the weather has been like, sometimes you can get a slightly sweet smell of decaying vegetation or the scent of a wet mammal. Mostly, it’s nice to enjoy the peace and tranquility by getting away from the noise of everyday life. ZEN baby ZEN!!!
— OHIO FALL COLOR FORECAST (see weekly updates on Ohio Dept of Natural Resources website) —